Meet the Pastor

Praised be Jesus Christ!


As the Lord Jesus entered the room with His disciples on Easter Sunday He offered to them, and to all of humanity, what all of us desire – peace.

“Peace be with you! A peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you,” (John 20:19; 14:27).

We pray as a parish community, that when you enter our beautiful church that you find deep abiding peace with Christ: present in the silence of the Blessed Sacrament, glorious in the dynamism of the sacrifice of the Mass, merciful in the sacrament of confession, living in the joyful members of our parish, challenging through the invitation to spiritual growth, and willing to love others as the Lord has loved us.

I hope you find our website a reflection of this awesome parish and that through this site you will be drawn more deeply into a life of Faith in Christ. I hope also that you will find what information you need in order to become more fully engaged in our parish.

I invite you to examine our Mission Statement. These are the principles by which we conduct ourselves within the parish and the larger community.

If you would like to find out more about our parish community, explore our website or call the Parish Office at 262-652-1844.

Our purpose is to help you on your faith journey. I am both privileged and blessed to be a member of and to serve as administrator of such a parish as this. May the Divine Mercy of the Lord Jesus be present in your lives!

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Todd Belardi

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